Kitsap County is in the final stages of updating the 2024 Comprehensive Plan, which includes the Suquamish Subarea Plan, to…
705 acres of undeveloped forest in North Kitsap known as Eglon Forest will be transferred from the Department of Natural…
City is looking to hire full-time city administrator
A new station for the Poulsbo Fire Department is going to be built on Viking Avenue, which will serve the…
Nearly 100 raccoons that had inundated a North Kitsap residence dispersed after the homeowner stopped feeding them—so they didn’t have…
A six-year, $31.9 million Facilities and Technology Capital Projects levy for the North Kitsap School District will be on the…
46 films will be shown and judged at the 3rd annual Poulsbo Film Festival Oct. 11-13 at various downtown locations.
HWY 420, a cannabis retail store, held its grand opening Sept. 19 for its new Poulsbo location, marking the first…
She will compete at Mrs. World competition in January
The Gordon Elementary Book Club recently published a picture book about acclaimed local astronaut Richard Gordon, whom the school is…
The Coffee Oasis’ Kingston location, comprised of a cafe and youth center, closed at the end of August due to…
The Poulsbo City Council approved a $46,000 grant from the Department of Natural Resources at its Aug. 21 meeting; the…
Enrollment projected to decline over next 4 years
The Poulsbo City Council is expected to approve a $94,700 contract with Walker Consultants out of Seattle for downtown parking…
For most of her life, Edna Cowell Martin tried to keep it a secret that she was a cousin of…
Another edition of the Suquamish Tribe’s annual Chief Seattle Days is set to take place Aug. 16-18 with all kinds…
Poulsbo has been awarded $500,000 as part of the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity grant program to conduct…
Works in tandem with Recovery Resource Center
Was previously held in Poulsbo Village
North Kitsap and Poulsbo fire departments are both putting Emergency Medical Services property tax levies on the Aug. 6 primary…