Write in Victor Peters for Brownsville port commissioner

The Port of Brownsville is usually a quiet, out-of-the-way, pleasant place to hang out, enjoy the outdoors, and just spend some time.

But Commissioner Jack Bailey, unopposed for reelection, has really kicked a hornets’ nest and stirred up the locals, his constituents.

Mr. Bailey waited until he knew he was running unopposed to introduce an ambitious proposal for substantial marina improvements to the tune of $3.1 million. These include replacing the small boat ramp for $950,000. This ramp works perfectly fine. Replacing “A” Dock and refueling station (which make up a good part of Mr. Bailey’s view from his home) is another project ($709,000) Again, there is nothing wrong with that dock. Then there’s the dredging of the marina which, studies show, hasn’t silted up yet ($660,000).

Here’s the best (worst) part. The port doesn’t have the money to do these unnecessary projects, so Mr. Bailey favors the creation of an Industrial Development District (IDD). If you’ve never heard of these, you’re not alone. No wonder so few people showed up when the discussion of this was held at a recent Port Commission meeting. An IDD solves Mr. Bailey’s money problem because it allows the port to raise the taxes of Port District residents (taxpayers) by 45 cents per $1,000 of assessed value without a vote of the citizens in the district. That’s a 60 percent increase in our port taxes — without a vote!

It’s time we had a port commissioner who represents the interests of the residents of the Port District. Victor Peters is a retired Navy submarine commander. He ran a successful business. He is an active fundraiser for Seattle Children’s Hospital and a pillar of the Brownsville community. He will stop the irresponsible funding of unnecessary projects and bring more reasonable planning and decision making to the management of our port.

Check your tax statement. If you live in the Port District of Brownsville, write in Victor Peters for Port of Brownsville commissioner.

David Sours