Captain’s corner: Koyuki Fritchman, Klahowya Secondary School girls lacrosse

Although she grew up playing tennis, Koyuki Fritchman is a captain and the leader of the Klahowya Secondary School girls lacrosse team.

Grade: senior

Age: 18

High School: Central Kitsap

Team: Klahowya Secondary School girls lacrosse

Although she grew up playing tennis, Koyuki Fritchman is a captain and the leader of the Klahowya Secondary School girls lacrosse team.

The 18-year-old senior scored five goals to lead the Lady Eagles to a 19-5 victory over North Kitsap High School at home Tuesday. With the win, the team improved its record to 3-4.

Made up of players from Klahowya, Central Kitsap High School and Central Kitsap and Ridgetop junior high schools, the Lady Eagles belong to the Washington School Girls Lacrosse Association.

The Central Kitsap Reporter caught up with Fritchman following Tuesday’s game, asking about her role as team captain. Here’s what she had to say:

Q: How long have you been a team captain?

A: Two seasons

Q: What do you like most about the role?

A: Being a leader, a role model. The freshmen look up to me, and if I do something wrong, I feel terrible about it.

Q: What are the biggest challenges?

A: Getting everybody focused and on the same page, and expecting the same thing out of everyone. We win as a team and we lose as a team.

Q: What have you learned?

A: There is no one person who makes or breaks the game, basically. It’s a team sport. No one person can do everything on their own.

Q: What are your hobbies away from lacrosse?

A: Arts and crafts, tennis, cross country, bowling and soccer.

Q: What’s your favorite class?

A: AP Physics “B”

Q: How long have you been playing lacrosse?

A: Four years.