The Suquamish Tribe’s spirit of giving | In Our Opinion

The Suquamish Tribe has gifted $4.45 million in philanthropic giving to Kitsap communities since 2007. This year, $553,121 was gifted to 241 organizations. This spirit of giving speaks to the growing economic strength of the Suquamish Tribe. But it also speaks to the Tribe’s culture of caring and sharing — a culture that is a vital part of our local safety net.

The Suquamish Tribe has gifted $4.45 million in philanthropic giving to Kitsap communities since 2007. This year, $553,121 was gifted to 241 organizations.

The funds come from Appendix X grants (Appendix X [section 14] of the Gaming Compact between the Suquamish Tribe and the State of Washington describes specific funds available for award to charitable, non-profit and Tribal community programs), as well as the Port Madison Enterprises Board of Directors Fund, Clearwater Casino Resort sponsorships and in-kind donations, and employee giving. (Employees have raised a total of $31,898 for Relay For Life.)

This spirit of giving speaks to the growing economic strength of the Suquamish Tribe. But it also speaks to the Tribe’s culture of caring and sharing — a culture that is a vital part of our local safety net.

We raise our hands in thanks. Hy’shqa, Suquamish Tribe, for your generosity and stewardship.

