The Buc stops here: getting back into things this month

The town of Kingston certainly did get a lot of snow over winter break. School even ended early for winter break because of snow. A new notification system this school year sends out a phone message to every house that has student(s) living in it whenever there is a school delay or cancellation. Students can also check the school Web site for school information but sometimes the quickest source is text messaging!

Kingston High School students are coming close to the end of yet another quarter in the school year, but the end of second quarter also means finals. Final testing days were Jan. 28-29, so students are studying hard as I write this.

Seniors applying to the University of Washington had a college application deadline of Jan. 15; Washington State had a deadline Jan. 30. Hopeful candidates for either college now have to wait to receive a letter saying they are guaranteed a spot. Whether a prospective Husky or Cougar, all lower classmen wish the best of luck to seniors heading off in the fall.

In January, we celebrated a national holiday on the third Monday of the month, a holiday that has been observed since 1986, even though it was signed into law by Ronald Reagan in 1983. There was an assembly held in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. and his accomplishments.

We also had the Winter “Tolo” Dance this month. Tolo, for all those who do not know, is where the girl asks the guy to the dance. I applaud single girls who asked. I think it shows a lot of courage. For a couple of students it seemed to sneak up quickly, while others had their night planned out very well. The Winter Dance was quite a hit. Everyone looked spectacular and once again “freaking” was not permitted. It was a good night for the KHS students.

Athletes continue with the boys’ swim team getting its first win of the season. The boys’ C basketball team is undefeated right now while junior varsity and varsity boys’ basketball are practicing constantly, getting better all the time. Girls’ basketball is doing a fantastic job! The team is dedicated more than ever with a goal of getting to state championships again. The gymnastics team is doing a fantastic job as well. Winter sports are doing a great job so far. Half way through the season, all winter sports teams are dedicated to achieving their goals.

With February coming up we have the romantic holiday Valentine’s Day. Just a friendly reminder to all the guys out there: Girls love flowers!

Meagan Rasely is a sophomore at Kingston High School where her favorite subject is English. She also plays volleyball and piano.
