Summer temps mean common sense is needed

Summer temps mean common sense is needed

Native Washingtonians clamored for their sunscreen and ice water this week as the temperatures climbed into the low 90s. Seeking refuge from the heat — just a few days after removing electric blankets from their beds — they sought solace under shade trees and on park benches.

Bainbridge Island resident Margo Ellis, with her her two children and their grandmother, rested on a sprawled blanket in a spot of shade Wednesday afternoon at Liberty Bay Waterfront Park.

“We were just saying that two days ago we had the heat on,” she said.

The area is currently under a heat advisory, with the temperature expected to top out at 88 degrees today, and remain in the high 70s through the weekend. The Red Cross is advising caution and is urging everyone to use common sense:

• Stay hydrated; avoid alcohol and caffeine.

• Do not leave children or pets in enclosed vehicles.

• Avoid strenuous exercise outside.

• Wear sunblock if you’re going to be in the sun.

• Eat smaller meals and eat more often.

When all else fails, use the high temps as an opportunity to relive your childhood.

Go outside and engage in an epic waterfight with your children, then and Popsicles until you get brain freeze. Just because the weather is warm doesn’t mean we all have to be miserable.
