Sheriff: Honor Trooper Tony Radulescu

The Washington State Legislature is considering House Bill 1820 which would provide civil authorities with a method of quickly notifying the public about suspect information when a law enforcement officer is killed, or seriously injured, and the suspect has not yet been apprehended.

Kitsap County Sheriff

The actions and circumstances of recent weeks have been very trying and emotionally draining for the residents of Kitsap County, as well as for those who spend a significant amount of time here as part of the work force.

The senseless tragedies involving injury and loss of life, at the hands of a few, have affected thousands… with a significant toll now being experienced by our uniformed first responders with the traffic stop shooting death of Washington State Patrol Trooper Anthony “Tony” Radulescu on Feb. 23, followed by the motor vehicle collision that took the life of Washington State Parks Ranger Edward Johanson on Feb.24.

Many gestures of concern and appreciation have arrived at this agency, and others, for which the entire law enforcement community is very grateful.  There have been numerous inquiries in a variety of forums, from citizens and organizations alike, simply asking, “What can I do?”

Together, we can honor the memory of Trooper Tony Radulescu. The Washington State Legislature is considering House Bill 1820 which would provide civil authorities with a method of quickly notifying the public about suspect information when a law enforcement officer is killed, or seriously injured, and the suspect has not yet been apprehended.

This system, called a Blue Alert, is modeled after the Amber Alert system.

HB 1820 was given a hearing last year but was not advanced for consideration. This year, the bill was assigned to the House Ways and Means Committee but did not receive a hearing.  It apparently has been moved to the Rules Committee and is still alive for a very short period.  Our law enforcement officers and their families deserve this type of support.

Time is of the essence for action during this session. You can make the difference! Take two minutes to support the individuals who willingly place themselves in harm’s way to keep us safe.

— Call your legislator and urge passage of HB 1820 by calling the legislative hotline at: 1-800-562-6000.

— Write or e-mail and ask if they will help.  Say thank you to them.

There has been an outpouring of public support, many asking what they can do to help. This is a concrete way to improve the foundation of safety for the fine men and women who protect and serve.

