LIFE 102 | Seniors starting another stage of life

There are many issues facing us as we age: suddenly single, affordable housing, unemployment in a poor economy, aging parents, supporting adult children or grandchildren, substance abuse in the family. As we age, there can be depression at times resulting from illness or other unresolved issues.


As I sit here staring at my computer, I am pondering how to begin this column. Since I am now at the 102 stage of my life, 101 was a challenge that’s for sure but youth was on my side.

There are many issues facing us as we age: suddenly single, affordable housing, unemployment in a poor economy, aging parents, supporting adult children or grandchildren, substance abuse in the family. As we age, there can be depression at times resulting from illness or other unresolved issues.

However, there is life between senior hood and assisted living, life in general for the senior crowd is full which is very much in evidence all around just ask a travel agency.

There are achievements, socializing, politicking, cultural awareness and the wisdom that one does accumulate with age. Seniors are 50 percent of the U.S. population still at times I feel we are disregarded in Society and yet we are a vast majority of the consumers in this economic market.

Possibly this is so because people fear the aging process as I did although now I am at peace with aging I do at times fear what may come with it. In a society that glorifies youth and beauty and ignores aging no wonder that teens are buying anti aging cream how sad that every passage of life cannot be celebrated as a beginning not an end.

When I turned 70 last April, I was amazed that I was 70 and dismayed at the same time. The first thing I did was to tell my five children how old I really was I had never told them I always kept them guessing a game or denial not sure?

According to Kermit the Frog “it isn’t easy being Green.” Change is never easy for any age so find a comfort spot but be prepared to hop to a new one as your life changes. It is my intention in writing this column to bring subjects of interest to the senior if you have comments or concerns which you would like addressed in this column please let me know.

Kathleen Fuller can be reached at or at 360-895-0977.

