Letters to the editor, Oct. 21 (election-related)

Published Oct. 21 in the Port Orchard Independent

Mayor manages city well

To the editor:

I trust you are as tired as I am of politicians who promise the moon to get elected and then stay in office on their empty laurels and our indifference. Let’s be sure our electeds can manage their own checkbooks — and the people’s — need to finally be held accountable.

Lary Coppola. While some may not like his editorial antics and occasional “I’m holding you accountable” verbal rants — he can manage his own business and that of our city, and he has proven this beyond any shadow of a doubt. And generally his accountability rants are spot on.

The City of Port Orchard under the former mayor was so mismanaged that Lary had to dig deep into his management skills to save a city in dire economic straights. Lary Coppola put his leadership and management skills to work immediately upon taking office and put together a team that is the envy of just about every city in the state. How many other cities do you know of that are operating in the black?

Lary Coppola’s opponent has turned far too many property tax issues away under the veil of state statutes as chair of the BOE appeals board, and doesn’t posses the strategic business acumen our city needs. The last thing we need is someone who justifies his decisions with excuses and flip-flops in his decision-making.

We need results oriented strategic thinkers and Lary Coppola has proven to be that type of leader. Lary Cappola deserves another term, has my vote and should have yours as well.

Rick Flaherty

President & CEO

Leader International Corporation Port Orchard


Strakeljahn for Port district

To the editor:

I would like to take this opportunity to speak in favor of Axel Strakeljahn for Bremerton Port Commissioner.

Axel has lived and worked in Kitsap County for the past 30 years. He has substantial experience in running business such as Ernst Home Center, Pay-N-Pak and his current position as Director of the Fred Meyer Store in Port Orchard.

He is  always putting people first and is a man of action. As a case in point, in his position at Fred Meyer, Axel recently stepped forward and saved the life of a man suffering a heart attack.

He is an independent thinker and not a political insider and therefore has no IOU’s for any special interest groups.

He is also interested in giving back to his community. In 2009 he was instrumental in securing $10,000 for Hidden Creek Elementary School’s computer program.

He is a true community leader who has provided jobs for hundreds of Kitsap County residents.  He has also pledged not to raise taxes in this business environment. (That should be refreshing music to local taxpayers ears).

Mr. Strakeljahn is financially conservative by nature which would make him an excellent steward of the taxpayers money; a refreshing change from recent history at the Port of Bremerton.

Dave Olsen

Port Orchard


Vote Matthes for mayor

To the editor:

We would like to encourage voters this November to join us in supporting Tim Matthes for mayor of Port Orchard. We have known Tim for 30 years, and know Tim to be a man of integrity. He has faithfully served his family, church and community in Kitsap County for many years. We know that Tim will be fiscally responsible and will be responsive to the needs of the community. Please join us in voting for Tim this November.

Bo and Ruth Boucher

Port Orchard


Miller best choice for council

To the editor:

Amy Miller is the best-suited candidate for Position #5 on Port Orchard’s City council.  She offers the City a fresh perspective, an open mind and a long-term vision.  She understands today’s issues and is not afraid to defend what is right for our City.

Amy will ensure that we maintain our small-town appeal while promoting economic growth.  She is an advocate for small business, public schools and public parks.  Amy’s track record for serving the community speaks for itself.  She is the past president of the local Moms Offering Moms Support chapter and currently serves on the Port Orchard

Park Planning and the McCormick Village subcommittees.  Amy has been attending council meetings for the last five years and has educated herself on the issues facing Port Orchard.

I urge the public to visit her website and view some of her recent debates.  It’s clear that Amy is in tune with what the public should expect.   Amy’s answers were concise, clear and decisive; exactly what you should hear from a council member.

Vote for Amy.  She’ll look out for Port Orchard’s economic well-being, our families and our quality of life.

Susan Lomow

Port Orchard


Pinneo for City Council

To the editor:

I am writing in support of Ben Pinneo, who is running for Port Orchard City Council this November.  I have had the honor of working with Ben for the last three years in the South Kitsap High School English Department. The primary thing that stands out about Ben is his dedication to his students and school.

Among his students, Ben has a reputation for being a “hard” teacher. This means that he will not settle for anything less than their full potential. Ben can always be found long after school helping any students who need the extra assistance. He is constantly trying to help them improve and they find themselves rising to the challenge.

Among coworkers, Ben is known for being friendly and outgoing. He has always been a pleasure to work with, and is willing to both give and take input. He also volunteers for committees and extracurricular events, and can be counted on to follow through once he has committed to something. I’m confident that Ben will apply this dedication to his work on the city council.

While many people Ben’s age tend to focus solely on personal or professional issues, Ben has chosen to widen his focus to his community. It’s a rare person who is so dedicated to improving the world around him; Port Orchard would do well to take advantage of this. Port Orchard would be well served with Ben Pinneo on its City Council.

Leah Baker

Port Orchard


Appeal to military voters

To the editor:

To all Veterans, Active Duty and the Military Community at large, we want you to know how very much Port Orchard appreciates your service and the hardships you often endured or are going through — separated from your family, friends and loved ones. We owe you a debt that can never be repaid.

As we get our ballots, all of us will have the opportunity to make a pivotal decision about the future of our town.

While it may sound like a cliché, the ramifications of this election will be felt for decades.

We are asking you to make a positive change by joining us in electing Tim Matthes as your next Port Orchard Mayor.

You may already know of or have heard about Tim, but if not, you can be reassured he has devoted his life to serving his family, church and community.

Tim was born in Bremerton, raised his family right here in Port Orchard, served in the National Guard for 7 years and retired after 27 years at PSNS as a Shop 38 Nuclear Mechanic and Code 133 inspector. He has spent his time since retirement serving as a volunteer leader on city land use issues (chairman, Port Orchard Planning Commission), county tax issues (chairman, County Board of Equalization), and has a long history as a dedicated defender of small businesses and economic growth in South Kitsap.

Tim and his administration will actively engage you to provide timely, accurate and complete information so you can act and not react to city issues, such as annexations, salaries and utility rates.

This will not be a “political” administration but one that solicits your opinion and wants you included in the solution.

Local business owners, non profits and your friends and neighbors will be treated with the respect they deserve when they come to City Hall.

We are encouraging you and all supporters of our military community to join us in voting to elect Tim as mayor.

He will champion ethics, integrity, honesty, information flow, fiscal accountability and open government in Port Orchard.

Again, thank you for your service, support and your vote.

Very Respectfully,

Gil Michael


Vance Vaught


Barry Doll

LT Supply Corps USNR

Dawn Jake

USN — 8 years Active/Reserve


Re-elect Mayor Coppola

To the editor:

When Mayor Coppola took office, the city’s comprehensive plan was four years out of compliance. Not only was Coppola’s administration able to update the city’s comp plan in less than a year (usually an 18 month to 2 year process) but they saved the taxpayers more than a quarter million dollars by using almost completely in-house talent.

When Mayor Coppola took office, there were unprocessed permit applications going back literally years. Coppola’s administration resolved over 550 outstanding and unresolved building/land use permits. Port Orch-ard now has the fastest permitting in the county and one of the fastest in the Puget Sound Region. This will add to our competitive advantage when the economy turns around and people are looking to relocate their business or seeking places to build.

Another accomplishment under our current mayor is the City of Port Orchard Building and Planning Department had no reduction in staff, no reduction in hours of service and maintained stellar levels of customer service, all while overall department expenditures declined.

These are some of the benefits our taxpayers enjoy because of Coppola’s 32 years of business experience, his philosophy of making department heads justify expenditures, renegotiating contracts with vendors and his willingness to apply proven business principles to government.

I would encourage you to see an editorial board interview with both candidates at www.electlary.com. This is an unedited video with both candidates side-by-side. I’m sure after hearing the responses of both candidates, you will join me in supporting Mayor Coppola’s re-election.

Eric Kvinsland

Port Orchard


Vote Matthes for mayor

We want to encourage voters this November to join us in support of Tim Matthes for Mayor of Port Orchard.

We have known Tim for years and have always had immense respect for him in the way he has served his community.  Tim has high standards and sticks to his principals. We have seen that rare ability in him to see the good in all, even when he is the target of those who are more political and mean spirited.

It is rare in today’s world of politics to find a candidate like Tim who has that bygone style of statesmanship and integrity we all want to see in our leadership. Please join us in voting for a candidate who will bring a positive and competent style to the office of mayor.

Sharon and Mack Smith

Port Orchard


Endorsing Coppola

To the editor:

It is a rare and unusual thing for the Home Builders Association to send a letter to the editor of any paper. However, these are rare and unusual times.

The Affordable Housing Council of Kitsap County (AHC) is the political action committee of the Home Builders Association of Kitsap County. The AHC’s Board of Trustees has voted to endorse Mayor Lary Coppola for re-election in November.

I am writing to encourage voters to consider the impact elected officials have on our economy and how important the construction industry is to recovery. Please keep in mind that the construction industry is made up of an array of businesses.

The HBA is made up of about 300 companies employing thousands of Kitsap-area residents. There is a good reason that the national news frequently reports the statistics on “housing starts” when talking about the economy; as housing goes, so too goes the economy. Each newly constructed house generates jobs and thousands of dollars in sales revenue, sales tax, and other taxes.

Remodeling is also a generator of jobs, revenues and taxes. The benefits of construction are not only realized in the year of construction, but years to come.

From my vantage point, the AHC chose to endorse Lary Coppola because after evaluating both candidates it was decided that Mayor Coppola has proven he understands the importance of economic development, creating a business friendly environment, and has shown that even in these difficult times government can, and should, be open to the people 5 days a week. Kitsap County, Poulsbo, Bremerton, and Bainbridge Island are all closed at least one day a week.

Mayor Coppola has empowered department employees to eliminate a backlog of permits and has the distinction of being the most efficient permit processing department of all the permitting departments in Kitsap County. While mayor, Lary has worked with other key leaders to reduce crime, support schools, improve tourism, and bring new employment opportunities to the city.

As you contemplate your right to vote, I hope you will exercise that right with a vote for Lary Coppola.

Teresa Osinski

Executive Vice President

Home Builders Association of Kitsap County


Childs shows leadership

To the editor:

I am heartily behind the re-election of Jerry Childs for Port Orchard City Council. I know him well and have observed his leadership skills for some 20 years now.

Jerry doesn’t just talk about his ideas, he takes the actions necessary to make them happen. Like conceiving of an idea he called Cedar Cove Days and then working tirelessly for two years to make it happen.

Or when  the Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway route through the Port’s waterfront park was rejected, he met with the commissioners, found out the problem, then created another route option himself, determinedly working through the problem, determinedly working through all the entities to make it happen.  As a bonus, the design saved the City some $200,000.

And then there was his concern for our most vulnerable citizens in light of potential water rate increases, where he proposed and presented to the council, a Utility Assistance Program that is just about to be implemented.  Where I come from, this is called leadership.

Gloria O’Mara

Port Orchard


Wall for school board

To the editor:

I am excited about this fall’s school board election because it is an opportunity to elect an outstanding candidate, Greg Wall.

I have known Greg for more than 30 years, and I cannot think of many people I respect more. He possesses the ability to strengthen the South Kitsap School Board at a time when it is facing some of its greatest challenges, financially and academically.

He will be an excellent steward of our tax dollars because he will ask the questions that need to be asked when making the decisions that count.

Greg Wall really cares about the quality of life in our community, now and in the future. He possesses high personal ethics and the wisdom to weigh all the facts before making a decision.

Most importantly, his heart is in the right place. For Greg Wall, what’s best for students will be the top priority. He will work tirelessly on their behalf.

Please join me in supporting him for the District 5 School Board position.

Tom Juvik

Port Orchard


Pinneo’s good qualities

To the editor:

I am writing this letter in support of the candidacy of Ben Pinneo for City Council. I have known Ben for 3 of the 4 years I have lived and worked in Port Orchard. As a co-worker at South Kitsap High School, I have known Ben to be both dedicated and hardworking. As a friend, I have known Ben to have a fun loving personality and a great sense of humor.  I believe that these qualities will make Ben Pinneo an outstanding addition to the Port Orchard City Council.

When I arrive at work each morning, I know I will always see Ben’s car in the parking lot. He is usually one of the first people at work, starting his day well before he is required to be there and dedicating much of his personal time to aid in the success of his students. Ben is involved in many different committees, again dedicating his personal time to ensure that South Kitsap High School is the best place it can possibly be for both students and faculty.

As a member of the same department in which Ben works, I have been at meetings and worked closely with him. His dedication, hard work, and demand for results are qualities that would benefit the Port Orchard community if Ben were elected to serve on the city council.

Outside of work, I have seen Ben working to support the Port Orchard community and its businesses.  As a 20-something living in Port Orchard, I often find myself heading to Gig Harbor, Seattle, or Tacoma for shopping or entertainment. Ben has often expressed many ideas that would help improve the Port Orchard business community. His fresh perspective would be a much needed addition to the current climate at the city council.

I have seen Ben Pinneo accomplish many things in the 3 years I have known him. I have seen him as an inspiration to both his students and fellow teachers.  I have seen him working hard to achieve results necessary for success both in and out of the classroom. If Ben Pinneo were elected to city council, each of these qualities would be working to benefit our community.  Please give Port Orchard the breath of fresh air it needs. Vote Ben Pinneo for City Council.

Michelle Koehn

Port Orchard

