Letters to the editor

Here are the letters we've received this week on topics of interest

Bravo Sen. Jan Angel

We thank you for holding out for fiscal responsibility and stable funding for the needs of the homeless. Imagine what Olympia would be like if a majority of the legislators were looking out for the taxpayers when crafting legislation.

Years of Democratic rule have created a mess that will take a long time to clean up. She saw a problem with the homeless legislation, Senate Bill 5875, and rightly put the brakes on so the funding problems could be reviewed.

A performance audit will now be required and a stakeholder group will be convened to explore more stable funding options. With those changes in place she and a majority of her fellow legislators were able to pass the bill.

It’s unfortunate that Governor Inslee did not have the courtesy to respond to her directly when she wrote to him concerning the problems with the bill.

Some of his recent actions, such as the death penalty moratorium for the worst of the worst, show that his judgment is poor and out of step with the will of the majority.

I’m delighted the voters chose Senator Angel to represent them. She stayed in the political “kitchen,” took the heat, and changed legislation to protect the taxpayer and help the homeless. She is doing a great job now and will continue to do so in the years ahead.

William Rieger





Bremerton came through for us

Two weeks ago my daughter was the victim of a crime. When I received her call for help, I was two states away. It’s hard to put into words the emotions that swept through me that day.

There was no way I was going to make it to Bremerton in time.

At that moment I knew I would have to rely on the kindness of strangers to rescue her. It was heart wrenching because at that point I didn’t trust anyone.

I had to make a choice and take the biggest “leap of faith”  and trust the community of Bremerton with my chid.

I want to thank West Hills STEM Academy for acting quickly in getting the proper authorities notified. Thank you for allowing her to Skype with her classmates now that we are back in California.

Thank you to the Bremerton Police Department for their actions and comforting words that helped so much.

Thank you to Family Protective Services for keeping my daughter safe and for speeding up our reunion.

Thank you to the people of Bremerton for how loved and supported you have made her feel. There’s not been one crooked look or unkind comment from anyone.

Right now it is about healing and moving forward. An account has been created on behalf of my daughter at Wells Fargo Bank, account #3599891441.

Any funds received will be used towards relocation.

Thank you Bremerton for your support; it means the world to us.

Jeanette Campos

Oakland, Calif.

