
What’s happening?

Bremerton, county

need to help seniors

What in the world is happening to Bremerton and Kitsap County?

While Bremerton is catering to the wealthy by beautifying the city, by building a costly marina, a tunnel leading from the ferry, planning a walk along the water while adding lovely fountains and beautiful flowers, has anyone added up the millions of dollars this has cost all of us?

All of this is lovely, but what is being done to help seniors and the handicapped?

The access buses can no longer take the seniors and handicapped to church on Sundays because this service has been cancelled.

Just recently, most of it has also been cancelled on Saturdays too.

Now the latest, instead of picking up customers in mid-morning to go to Silverdale or Bremerton, Monday through Friday, or other places in the county, pickup time is very early 7 to 7:30 for most of the riders. And when you arrive at such places as the mall, nothing is open.

All of the excuses given at the meetings are there just isn’t enough money for access bus service!

Baloney! What do they do in Washington, D.C.? When there isn’t enough money in one till — they take it out of another till.

There’s always money for a worthwhile cause!

Is Kitsap County going to push aside their seniors and their handicapped while continually kow-towing to those who are more financially fortunate?

Has Kitsap County forgotten their moral and social obligations to their neighbors?

What’s the use of living in a beautiful county like ours if you’re continually being pushed aside and forgotten?


