

They fought

for your freedom

As a proud Vietnam-era veteran, I find it tragic so many of my fellow Americans view Nov. 11 as just another day off work. I thank the Lord for my opportunity to serve and the friends I made along the way during my 28 years of being Navy.

It’s time for all Americans to remember the true meaning of Veterans Day. I hope everyone in our area will remember what Veterans Day is all about. And as we near the holidays, please keep our deployed troops and their families in your prayers. Send a care package or donate to a program that supports our troops and veterans, such as VFW Operation Uplink, www.operationuplink.org. Always remember those who have fought for your freedom.




Health care reform

No time for bickering

Over the last few months, we have all heard, read and maybe taken part in the debate over health care reform.

Very recently, I was in the situation of needing to access emergency medical care on two separate occasions and subsequently, admission into Harrison Medical Center in Bremerton for seven days.

We in Kitsap County are very fortunate and privileged to have accessibility to excellent fire/EMT/paramedic support. To the fire personnel of Kingston, I offer you my heartfelt grateful thanks. I cannot begin to express how relieved I felt knowing you were coming when 911 was called.

My husband and I are fortunate we have health insurance. I was the recipient of skilled and exemplary care at Harrison Medical Center, Bremerton. Every single medical staff member treated me with great skill and care. All of us want that for our loved ones. I am healing as a result of that medical care. However, there are many in Kitsap County who are not as fortunate. This is not a left or right, Democratic or Republican issue. This is an issue concerning the care for all who are in pain, suffering and ill. In my eyes, there is no more time for bickering and debate on this issue. People are dying every day unnecessarily because of this lengthy debate. It is my hope we can view our health care needs as a moral issue. Every single American deserves to receive affordable excellent care. Period. We are the United States of America, not a third world country. Surely, we can do better.

If this were your parent, your child, or yourself, would you not want to know you or your family member would receive the medical attention you deserve? Please call or write our senators and congressional representatives. Urge them to pass good affordable health care reform for all Americans.



Democrats in power

America needs to wake up

As one who has been involved in and followed politics since the early 1960s, I find it absolutely ironic that before every election the Democrats tried to frighten our senior citizens into believing that electing a Republican would destroy their social security and Medicare, etc. and unfortunately their lies worked. The seniors fell for it. Now guess who is going to undermine social security, Medicare etc. That’s right, the devious Demos. Americans had better wake up before it is too late — if it isn’t already.


