
Health care bill

Health care bill

No reform to be found

This new health insurance bill is not reform, it is an absolute takeover of one sixth of America’s economy.

In order to accomplish his health care ideology, Obama has ignored seniors by reducing Medicare by $500 billion. Physicians are expected to take a 21 percent cut. Then to add insult to injury, Obama also has decided the social security COLA increase is not necessary.

Nobody denies this health care bill will penalize the old, middle-aged and elderly citizens by taxing anyone without insurance. It also will penalize those with better-than-average insurance. The only ones able to escape this lunacy and penalizing mentality may be union members.

As I look at current government health care programs for low-income citizens, such as S-chip, Medicaid and Medicare, the only citizens not covered are those who can afford insurance and do not wish to spend the money to purchase it.

How does spending an additional $849 billion save $127 billion? I wish my spending created savings.

By manipulating numbers, this Democratic Congress hopes to fool the public into believing it’s a good deal.

Once again, good intentions are overcome by the unintended consequences of pushing this nation further into unsustainable debt.

