Kilmer should step up

Common sense should rule the day and a whole lot less blaming the car for the drunk driver. Time to step up Congressman Kilmer.

Item one: An assault weapon is a fully automatic weapon. A semi-automatic weapon is not an assault weapon in any configuration. Miss Walker of Silverdale claims military assault weapons for 1,400 deaths since the Newtown shootings. Completely wrong and uninformed. Not unlike the current news cycles (and) constant barrage of untruths targeted at an anti-gun agenda. There are currently 20,000 gun laws in America. Too many of which are not enforced.

Item two: A solution to a misguided dilemma and seeking the truth. Ask President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder about ‘Fast and Furious’. (Were) 2,400 fully automatic military assault weapons sent to the Mexican cartel for what purpose? Men, women and children were killed by the thousands and the news media as well as Democrats (were) totally silent and unwilling to demand the truth. Come on, liberals and democrats, start asking about these untold truths.

Item three: The newest breast cancer commercial, in regards to research and cure are touching and sad. Their newest slogan, “Everyone deserves a full life,” says it all. Why not apply those very same standards to the millions of babies aborted yearly? Or does hypocrisy override common sense on this issue as well? In regards to saving lives, I contribute to both causes equally. A little less hypocrisy and self-reflection sure makes the truth easier to swallow.

Item four: To Congressman Derek Kilmer in regards to the newest anti-gun law agenda. Let’s put armed trained security in every school across the nation until this form of domestic terrorism is stamped out. Less political posturing and more resolve will save the children from these horrible acts. The President’s children have armed security and should have. Should not everyone’s children have that same protection and security? Common sense should rule the day and a whole lot less blaming the car for the drunk driver. Time to step up Congressman Kilmer.

Vern Laprath

