Keep the dream alive

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is Monday and for many that means sleeping in, catching up on daytime talk shows or running errands.

But it’s more than a day off. It’s a time to reflect on one man’s vision. A man who died for his cause to bring equality to all. We have come a long way since the days of the civil rights era, but we still have far to go.

The current presidential campaign is a positive sign of change. To have a woman and an African-American as frontrunners in the democratic race shows the path that we as a nation are beginning to take. The outcome of the race remains to be seen, but we are moving leaps and bounds compared to just 10 years ago.

This weekend, take some time to remember the work of a man whose vision extends beyond the realms of time. The Ebenezer AME Church in Bremerton is bringing the community together to celebrate King’s memory. The annual event is from 10 a.m. to noon Monday at the President’s Hall at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds. The celebration will feature keynote speaker Bishop Lawrence Robertson, president and pastor of Emmanuel Apostolic Church in Bremerton, as well as speeches from elected officials and performances by a community choir and a liturgical dance team.