In Our Opinion Remember others in tough economic times

The Federal Reserve finally declared on Monday what the common man has known for a while: we’re in a recession.

The Federal Reserve finally declared on Monday what the common man has known for a while: we’re in a recession.

Everyone, in one fashion or another, has been touched by the tough times and we’re all trying to save money wherever we can.

Whether it’s opting for dinner in the Crock Pot rather than the caterer or turning off lights when we leave a room, we’re all stretching our paychecks a little further these days. That is, those of us who are fortunate enough to still have paychecks.

As we do every year, the North Kitsap Herald is dedicating time and newspaper space to a worthy cause: The Bellringer.

The Bellringer, part of the Raab Foundation administered by the Poulsbo Noon Lions Club, offers one-time help with food, utility bills, rent, emergency medical, housing and transportation needs. In addition, the fund purchases Christmas food baskets through North Kitsap Fishline. This year, the fund will also reach out to ShareNet in Kingston. The Bellringer goal is to raise $35,000 from the community.

If that goal is reached, it will provide 100 food baskets for families in need, most of whom live within the North Kitsap School District. This fund is neighbor helping neighbor — community at its finest.

Please, if you are one of the fortunate this year, reach out to those who are hardest hit by the faltering economy. Consider giving back to the community in the form of a gift to the Poulsbo Bellringer.

Donations to the fund can be dropped off at Frontier Bank in Poulsbo or the North Kitsap Herald office, 18887 State Route 305, Suite 700. Donations can also be mailed to Bellringer Fund, P.O. Box 1244, Poulsbo, WA, 98370.

The fund’s help number is (360) 697-6087.

Even if you’re not able to make a financial contribution, there are multiple opportunities to help others this holiday season through volunteerism. To many local agencies that reach out to the community, time is just as valuable as money.

Take a shift as a Bellringer for the Salvation Army. Sort through your closets and make a donation to a local thrift shop.

It doesn’t matter how you make a contribution this holiday season. Any gesture will be appreciated by the person it benefits.

In these tough times, it’s time to pull together. Together, we can make it through.
