Go out and celebrate — safely

America celebrates July 4 as Independence Day because it was on July 4, 1776, that members of the Second Continental Congress adopted the final draft of the Declaration of Independence.

America celebrates July 4 as Independence Day because it was on July 4, 1776, that members of the Second Continental Congress adopted the final draft of the Declaration of Independence.

Everywhere, it was read, spontaneous celebrations erupted. People cheered, guns fired and fire crackers were set off. But it wasn’t until 1783, when the war ended, that the Fourth of July became a holiday in some places.

In 1941, Congress declared July 4 a federal holiday. And then the fun began! Speeches, military events, parades, fireworks, picnics, barbecues, games, trips to the beach and sharing with friends and family.

To me, this special day means I have control of my life to make choices to do and say what I want and the freedom to go where I want and when I want. Unless, of course, you are married with children! Then all the choices and decisions become family choices — a decision you were free to make!

I also know that freedom isn’t free.

Since the 1700s, military personnel have been making the ultimate sacrifice so that we can remain free. As you celebrate, honor these special people. And let’s not forget what they do and have done for us.

Don’t forget to teach your children that what they have came at a cost.

Happy 240th Birthday, America. Now go out there and celebrate, but be careful and be safe …

Joey Price is a military spouse (retired) and lives in Poulsbo. She is national president of Navy Wives Club of America and president of NWCA Kitsap No. 46. Contact her at pricejj@embarqmail.com.