Get up, get out and go play

Viking Fest revelers rejoice! A better day to play there never will be. With Poulsbo’s version of a heat wave headed our way today — 83 degrees? Seriously? — the temptation to spend the day outside will be something awful. Don’t fight it. Slather on the sunscreen, hydrate, grab your best viking hat and get to downtown Poulsbo.

Viking Fest revelers rejoice! A better day to play there never will be. With Poulsbo’s version of a heat wave headed our way today — 83 degrees? Seriously? — the temptation to spend the day outside will be something awful. Don’t fight it. Slather on the sunscreen, hydrate, grab your best viking hat and get to downtown Poulsbo.

You can start the day off early — 7 a.m. to be exact — with the Poulsbo Lions’ light, fluffy, delectable pancakes at the Poulsbo Armory on Jensen Way. From there, you can nibble a bit here and there at the food booths on Saturday, while on Sunday you’d be better suited to save your appetite for the lutefisk-eating contest. For those of you new to Poulsbo and the North End, lutefisk is fish, usually cod, soaked in and/or prepared in lye. We understand it’s an acquired taste.

Even if it’s not the food that motivates you to attend, the 40th annual Viking Fest still has plenty to offer. So much so that the international Sons of Norway organization — headquartered in Minneapolis — is sending a representative to attend the celebration.

Viking Fest activities will officially be from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. today and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomorrow.

With the crowds expected to attend, traffic promises to be frustrating. Festival organizers have planned ahead with Kitsap Transit to combat traffic as much as possible. Free parking and free shuttles to and from the festival will be available at North Kitsap High, Poulsbo Middle and Poulsbo Elementary schools’ parking lots. The shuttles operate from 10 a.m. to 10:15 p.m. today and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow.

Also of note is the new location for the carnival. This year, the carnival will be at the King Olaf parking lot. Other fun events include a road race at 9 a.m. today, an Iron Chef competition at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow and the ever-entertaining lutefisk eating competition at 2:15 p.m. tomorrow.

With this much to do planned, there’s no excuse to waste this beautiful weekend on housework.

The dishes will still be there when you get home. The laundry isn’t going anywhere. The dust on the bookshelves is comfortable right where it is. Get up, get out and play. And, just a reminder, if your plans this weekend include libations of an adult orient, get a designated driver.

Play it safe, play it smart … but by all means, play.
