I am a firm believer that each opportunity we take in our lives has a place and a time. There are opportunities that are embraced for long periods of time and some that eventually run their course.
In the next few weeks I will be making some decisions about the opportunities that already exist in my life and the new ones that have appeared when it comes to my community service efforts.
One of those decisions has recently been about my work here for Sound Publishing and the future of my column going forward. Over the past four plus years I have fully embraced and enjoyed nearly every single moment I have had engaging in this community and every single column I have produced because of that engagement.
I have enjoyed meeting and talking with many of you about my positions on issues concerning Bremerton and have welcomed all of your feedback, both good and bad, as well as your appreciation.
This will be my last column…for now. Looking forward at the possibilities before me for a change in the way I desire to serve this community with my volunteer efforts, I see some new paths opening up.
Being a parent and a full-time private sector employee that means I have a certain set amount of time to dedicate back to the community.
The support that comes from my husband Jason and my son Nick towards the time I spend away from them for my outside civic commitments, meetings and obligations has been considerable.
They are the silent, rock steady partners that have enabled me to do so many things and feel completely blessed while doing it.
I choose carefully those situations that I can fully commit to 100 percent. I don’t believe in doing anything half way.
Taking on something new typically means that something else I am already doing needs to be downsized or let go.
My weekly column is currently one of those things that have both run its course and I need to let go.
I am not going away. I will still be involved in Bremerton just in ways that are a little different from what people have come to expect so far.
I want to thank Sound Publishing for supporting me, encouraging me and publishing me these past four years.
It has been a privilege that I have always tried to be mindful of and one that few individuals like I get to experience at this level.
And most of all, I want to thank you Bremerton.
You have amazed me, educated me, frustrated me, made me cry and made me love you even more during the course of this wonderful journey.
I look forward to continuing my service to you.