Everything Bremerton: Happy Mother’s Day, Bremerton

In my humble opinion, Sunday only kicks off the Mother’s Day Season. Never heard of the Mother’s Day Season? Well, that is the other 364 days of the year. Mother’s Day is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year job for the rest of your life. It is rewarding and heartbreaking. It is joyful and sad. At times it makes you want to be a better person and other times it turns you into a crazed raving lunatic. Just ask my husband, Jason.

In my humble opinion, Sunday only kicks off the Mother’s Day Season. Never heard of the Mother’s Day Season? Well, that is the other 364 days of the year. Mother’s Day is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year job for the rest of your life. It is rewarding and heartbreaking. It is joyful and sad. At times it makes you want to be a better person and other times it turns you into a crazed raving lunatic. Just ask my husband, Jason.

Since my husband and I are both only children (I was the spoiled one if you didn’t already guess) we knew from the very beginning that we only wanted to have one child of our own. We started trying in our mid 20s but nature conspired against us and I had just turned 31 when our son Nick was born. Financially and mentally it turned out for the best that I was in my early 30s when I finally became a mom. Physically, I really wish the actual pregnancy part had occurred when I still had my 20-something-stretchy-Gumby body.

Being a mom has made me a better person. I have become more involved and more focused on issues concerning not just my child but the children of Bremerton as well. I give thanks everyday that my challenges as a parent are rather small in comparison to what other parents in my community face every single day. I want to personally thank the other involved moms I know in this community who help me, work with me and support me. Our combined efforts do make a big difference in all of our childrens’ lives. Thanks, guys!
