COMMENTARY | Imagine the power of the 12th person

Imagine what that energy would be like supporting all of our young people and their studies.


We are all well aware of and even likely participating in the excitement surrounding the upcoming Super Bowl game.  There are “12th Man” flags everywhere are blue and green colors being sported on every corner, in our schools, and in most places of work.

Young and old, athletes or not, we are all united by the excitement and energy of the Seahawks’ season and big game ahead.

We are actively engaged.

Imagine what that energy would be like supporting all of our young people and their studies. The importance of parent and community engagement in the schools is critical to the success of each child as well as the future success of our community as a whole.

To that end, I am excited that we have the opportunity to come together as a community Saturday, Jan. 31, at Marcus Whitman Junior High School, as we ‘Imagine the Possibilities’ for our students in the South Kitsap School District, all of them — no exceptions. This event is important as the outcome will be our 2020 Plan for the district charting the strategic initiatives for the foreseeable future.

In thinking about this possibility, I am reminded that we set both the example and the boundaries for our young people. How we finish is so important. Our energy, excitement, and engagement in their education are critical predictors of their success.

I invite parents and community members to join the staff of the South Kitsap School District, in being the 12th person for our students, all of them — no exceptions.

Join the conversation

Along with the community-wide strategic planning event on Jan. 31, South Kitsap School District has partnered with as another way to engage parents, staff, students, and community members.

Consider how the world is changing and what that means for South Kitsap students and schools.

Use this link to get started in the three step process

1. Share your thoughts on three open ended questions

2. Star (prioritize) all the thoughts shared

3. Discover the priorities

Michelle Reid is superintendent of South Kitsap School District.

