Bremerton: We can do better

Todd Best is one of those rare individuals who walks the talk.

I want to give my personal endorsement for a candidate in the 2013 Bremerton Mayoral race. I am endorsing my friend Todd Best.

Todd is an amazing man for many reasons.

His experience as a former Navy man who served in the Gulf War gives him the sensitivity to the needs of our veterans and active duty.

His grass root campaign a couple of years ago to “Cut-the-Fat,” from our government budget without making cuts at the expense of city workers ultimately saved the jobs of city workers.

There are many other examples I could cite if space permitted.

Todd Best is one of those rare individuals who walks the talk.

In politics, a lot of people talk but few come through with real action.

I have absolutely no doubt that in the role of Bremerton’s mayor, Todd will accomplish great things.

I know that because he’s a doer and just as important, he involves everyone he can in making things better.

His campaign slogan is perfect: Bremerton — We can do better!

If Todd wins this election, we’ll all be winners!

Mark Moshay


