Wizz App used by man to hook up with 14-year-olds

Kitsap County Superior Court cases

Bail was set at $250,000 for a 23-year-old Puyallup man charged with second-degree rape of a child in Kitsap County Superior Court Jan. 17.

He faces life in prison and a $50,000 fine.

The investigation shows he used the online Wizz App to meet at least two girls, both 14.

Court records show Bremerton police responded Jan. 16 and made the arrest at 10 a.m. at Insignia Loop.

Probable cause papers say an officer responded initially May 25 after a suicide call was made. A 12-year-old said while her mom was away she invited a man over that she met online. The man said he was 15, but he drove to Bremerton in his mom’s car.

The girl was nervous so she gave the man the wrong apartment number. She went out on the balcony, and he waved her down. Once in the car, he started touching her. She said no, but he took off her clothes, and they had unprotected sex.

On Jan. 15, the same car was in Bremerton, and police saw the windows fogged up. The suspect was in the car with a 14-year-old from Silverdale. She thought he was at least 16. They also met on the Wizz App. That girl was transported to a hospital due to suicidal ideation. She told that officer the suspect told her to delete the Wizz App so he wouldn’t “get in trouble.”

The Wizz App website says “Safety is our top priority… Our age-matched chatting feature ensures that you’re only connecting with friends in your age group.”

Woman charged

with kidnapping

After an AMBER Alert was issued, a 48-year-old Port Orchard woman left her grandson at a gas station in his carseat. She had taken him without permission.

The woman was in Superior Court Jan. 15 charged with kidnapping. Bail was $100,000. She faces 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine.

Court papers say Kitsap deputies responded Jan. 14 to the 6800 block of Tibardis Road NW in Bremerton at 4:12 p.m. A mother said her foster daughter took her grandson without permission. They had been in the house together but suddenly they were gone. The mother had custody because her grandson’s mother was in the Kitsap Juvenile Detention Center.

The daughter had contacted the boy’s other grandma and said she could facilitate a visit. The daughter’s mother was concerned because the other grandma used drugs, had offered fentanyl before and had threatened to throw the baby off a bridge. After the AMBER Alert, that grandma dropped the child off in a car seat at a gas station. The suspect was later arrested after hiding in some woods for over an hour.

Shoulder-check can’t

stop backpack from being stolen

Bail was set for $170,000 for a 40-year-old Bremerton man who appeared in Superior Court Jan. 16.

He’s charged with possession of stolen property and third-degree theft. He faces six years in prison and $15,000 in fines.

Court records show Kitsap deputies responded Jan. 15 at 7:32 p.m. to the 10900 block of Silverdale Way NW. A man attempted to leave Home Depot with a backpack he did not pay for. An asset protection employee shoulder-checked the suspect but was unable to stop the theft.

The suspect was later found and arrested. He also was in possession of stolen checks from another case.

Hit-and-run driver

found in ditch

A 32-year-old Port Orchard man was in Superior Court Jan. 16 facing three charges.

He’s charged with hit and run, DUI and driving with a suspended license. He faces 12 years in prison and $32,000 in fines.

Court papers show Port Orchard police responded Jan. 14 at 6:41 p.m. to the 100 block of Bethel Avenue. The caller said a truck rear-ended his truck and drove away. A witness said the suspect almost struck her car as it took off at up to 70 mph.

A passerby told police a truck was in a ditch not far away. The driver was passed out at the wheel, possibly intoxicated. The suspect tested at .163 blood alcohol content, twice the legal limit. He has been arrested three other times in the past 10 years on alcohol charges.

Man resists arrest after

laundry break-in

A 39-year-old Bremerton man was in Superior Court Jan. 17 charged with second-degree burglary.

Bail was $55,000. He faces 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine.

Court papers show Bremerton police responded Jan. 16 at 10:08 p.m. to the 4900 block of Auto Center Way. A man was trying to break into a locked laundry room through a window with a pry tool. An officer saw the man trying to enter through what was now a broken window, when the suspect took off. The police report says the suspect was “escorted” to the ground by the officer, but continued to resist arrest. The struggle continued until others arrived despite spray being used by the officer.

Woman caught with stolen

checks, credit cards

A 34-year-old Bremerton woman was in Superior Court Jan. 14 facing three charges.

Bail was $50,000. She’s charged with identity theft, possession of stolen property and possession of stolen mail (5 years, $10,000 fine maximum each).

Court documents say Kitsap deputies responded Jan. 13 at 12:45 p.m. to the 9900 block of Silverdale Way. An employ of the Bank of America said a woman was trying to cash a stolen check. The signatures did not match what was on file. The victim said checks were stolen out of her mailbox.

After searching the suspect’s backpack, evidence was found in a ledger related to other crimes, including a few dozen checks and credit cards. Officers contacted victims and found the checks and cards had been stolen at various times.

Man arrested for

vehicle theft

A 34-year-old Tacoma man was in Superior Court Jan. 17 charged with possession of a stolen vehicle.

Bail was $50,000. He faces 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine.

Court documents show Bremerton police responded Jan. 16 to the 1600 block of W. Admiralty Heights Lane at 4:22 p.m. An officer saw three people walk away from a car that had been stolen and license plates switched. He identified the driver. The vehicle’s owner came and could not use his key as the ignition had been damaged. The driver was arrested, as was one of the others, who was wanted for multiple vehicle thefts.