When the giving gets tough …

North Kitsap, if you folks didn’t know it or had your suspicions but didn’t want to say it, we’ll say it for you: You’re amazing. Despite a year’s worth of giving to disaster-torn areas across our nation and world, North End residents didn’t let up when it came to their own community. As a result, the Raab Foundation’s Bellringer Fund not only shot past its lofty goal of $30,000 but had its best season ever.

North Kitsap, if you folks didn’t know it or had your suspicions but didn’t want to say it, we’ll say it for you: You’re amazing.

Despite a year’s worth of giving to disaster-torn areas across our nation and world, North End residents didn’t let up when it came to their own community. As a result, the Raab Foundation’s Bellringer Fund not only shot past its lofty goal of $30,000 but had its best season ever.

At it’s latest tally last week, Bellringer rang in at $34,012.53.

Some might scoff at the 53 cents. We don’t. We know that numerous children in our community kicked in everything from allowances to Christmas money to help their neighbors in need. That kind of giving spirit is what Bellringer is all about.

The holidays may be over but the season of lending a hand around North Kitsap seemingly has no end. It’s one of those things that makes North Kitsap such a grand place to call home.

The annual fund-raiser had a pretty rocky start in November and several who have watched over it for years speculated that the $30,000 goal, in the wake of local outpouring to relief organizations throughout the world, was unattainable. But as the latter days of December arrived, donations came pouring in, smoothing the financial way for our neighbors in need through 2006.

It just goes to show that in North Kitsap, when the giving gets tough, the tough get giving.
