Water maintenance may cause discoloration

Customers, mainly in West Bremerton, may experience some temporary water discoloration

The Bremerton Water Utility will be adjusting two large water main transmission valves in West Bremerton this week, city officials said Tuesday.

The valve operation will redirect the flow of water in the system and customers, mainly in West Bremerton, may experience some temporary water discoloration as flow velocities increase in other piping.

This may happen more than once event as plans are to gradually close the valves over a period of a few days. Each operation may result in a discoloration event, according to water department sources. Once the valves have been operated they will remain in this status for up to a year or more until the planned Flow Control and Seismic Isolation Valve project is completed.

The Water Utility will make every effort to minimize customer impacts due to this valve operation and may conduct flushing operations in impacted areas if necessary to address the issue.

Customers may experience temporary discoloration that may look slightly yellow, brown, or blackish as harmless mineral sediments may become stirred up with changes in velocity in the pipes.

Customers who experience this can call the Bremerton Water Hotline at 360-473-5490 for recorded information including flushing instructions or they can call the Bremerton customer response Line at 360-473-5920 for more information.

