Volunteers are needed to staff the new Hospice of Kitsap County Thrift Shop

Hospice of Kitsap County seeks volunteers to help out in new thrift store that will benefit the organization.

Hospice of Kitsap County is holding a volunteer fair from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Saturday, February 8 to recruit volunteers to work in their new thrift shop, which is slated to open in February.

The volunteer fair will be held at the store, which is located at 301 Pacific Avenue in downtown Bremerton. Volunteers are needed to help with sales, stocking, maintenance, and pick-ups.

The nonprofit organization is looking for friendly volunteers to help provide customer service and an outstanding thrifting experience in the shop. Volunteers will accept merchandise donations, assist customers, refill and organize clothing racks and housewares shelves, create displays, and work with staff on a wide variety of special projects.

Volunteers with trucks are needed to assist in picking up donations as well.

People interested in volunteering to work at the store should either come to the volunteer fair or contact Jennifer Cleverdon, Volunteer Coordinator for Hospice of Kitsap County, at 360-698-4611 or jennifer.cleverdon@hospicekc.org.


