That familiar bell is ringing

Well kids, let’s face it. You’ve probably wasted another summer vacation. Accomplished nothing and pretty much spent hours, if not days, complaining that there was “nothing to do.”

Well kids, let’s face it. You’ve probably wasted another summer vacation. Accomplished nothing and pretty much spent hours, if not days, complaining that there was “nothing to do.” Maybe you hung out with friends, went to the beach, caught some rays, swam, read, relaxed, got hooked on “Days of Our Lives,” or caught up on one of your favorite pastimes — sleeping past noon.

Well done.

For those of you who worked, we hope it was worth it. Years from now, when you’re tied to a desk, a mortgage, a car payment, a spouse and a passel of children, you’ll likely long for the days before 9-to-5 meant anything.

Heaven knows that the eight-hour grind isn’t going anywhere soon, but your summer vacations are truly winding down. Really.

Going back to school after three months hiatus will soon be replaced by going back to work after a weekend, maybe a three-day weekend, or a week’s vacation, but not much more than that. Those hours of wondering what to do will slip away as well, replaced by everything from keeping a close eye on the stock market and planning someone’s estate to selling a house or writing editorials that seem to go nowhere in particular.

Either way. We hope you all had a grand vacation and that those of you who were looking forward to going back to school (there must be at least two or three of you out there) are richly rewarded with lessons that cover everything from what 2 +2 equals and what comes after the letter “D” in the alphabet to who Pythagoras was and why we should all thank him.

Welcome back to school ladies and gents and just think — there are now only 184 days of school left this year.
