Thanks for your patience…

The phone’s been ringing off the hook for weeks. Pillars of the community, all giving me the same message: Where the heck is our Herald? My Hansville neighbors, friends, acquaintances and sources were a bit miffed at missing their North Kitsap news.

The phone’s been ringing off the hook for weeks. Pillars of the community, all giving me the same message: Where the heck is our Herald? My Hansville neighbors, friends, acquaintances and sources were a bit miffed at missing their North Kitsap news.

For staff here, it has been a good and a bad thing. Good in the respect that the community cares whether or not they actually receive the Herald, bad because they weren’t getting it at all. That stint should end today and hopefully our friends in Hansville are reading this right now or will be in the very near future.

While we apologize profusely for any inconvenience our lapse may have caused, we also thank our readership — both in Hansville and beyond — for its patience and commitment to the Herald during our recent transition.

Knowing you folks care enough about what’s going on in North Kitsap to pick up the phone and give me an earful warms my heart. Really. Even though circulation isn’t my department, the feedback shows me that what our staff here does everyday matters to the people it’s supposed to matter to — the community we serve. As an editor, it’s truly the best feeling in the world.

I thank you all, personally, for taking the time to read the North Kitsap Herald.

Joe Irwin


P.S. While delivery to the Hansville community is set to resume today, I’ll also be dropping off a load of FREE Heralds this morning at the Hansville Grocery to ensure folks receive this issue. I only wish I’d thought of doing this sooner.
