Test drive goes up in flames | Update

A used car sale went bad March 26, after the car caught fire during a test drive with a prospective buyer

SUQUAMISH — A used car sale went bad March 26 after the car caught fire during a test drive with a prospective buyer.

“The car was for sale and I had somebody test driving it,” said John G. of Suquamish, further saying that he was selling the car for his son who was along for the test drive with the buyer.

The car, a four-door Oldsmobile sedan, was traveling north on Highway 305 when the driver pulled into a gravel parking lot to turn around. That’s when the first sign of smoke occurred.

“We were turning around and I noticed smoke coming out of the hood and flames were soon to follow,” John G. said.

The three exited the car as fast as they could.

“I thought it was going to blow,” John G. said. “I felt pretty helpless. The guy who was test driving it took off. He freaked out and boogied.”

Calls to 911 were made around 3:30 p.m., reporting of a car on fire with 10-foot-high flames. The Poulsbo Fire Department went to the scene. The fire was knocked down within minutes of the engine’s arrival on scene. Traffic on Highway 305 slowed considerably as smoke filled the roadway.

Photos by Michelle Beahm / North Kitsap Herald
