Tent revival set for Silverdale

An “Old Fashioned Tent Revival” will be at the Silverdale United Methodist Church, 9982 Silverdale Way, from Aug. 5 to 11. The revival will begin at 5:30 p.m. each day and at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 11.

An “Old Fashioned Tent Revival” will be at the Silverdale United Methodist Church, 9982 Silverdale Way, from Aug. 5 to 11. The revival will begin at 5:30 p.m. each day and at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 11.

According to Lyndsey Rickabaugh, the pastor’s assistant at the church, in the “old days” a camp meeting was intended to provide worship and healing services in a revival setting  for the lifestyle of the pioneers.

Word-of-mouth provided dates and times for the religious meeting and due to primitive transportation of the times, those living more than a few miles from where it was to take place would “camp” at the site of the meeting.

The “revival” would provide several days of continuous messages from different ministers along with the singing of hymns resulting in heightened emotion and healing for many.

Rev. Scott Kelso will be the evangelist at this interdenominational event.

“A place for people from all walks of life, the “old fashioned” tent revival promises to be a place for individual healing and for coming to Christ and for all who follow Jesus,” Rickabaugh said.

