Support Walk in Her Shoes

Here's a Letter to the Editor from one of our readers.

Domestic violence is a faceless crime. It enters a wide range of homes: affluent or impoverished, young or old. It does not discriminate based on race or religion.

Each year the YWCA of Kitsap County serves more than 6,000 residents. Some come seeking legal advocacy. Some escape a dangerous situation and reside at our shelter. Others access the clothing closet looking for an interview outfit. No matter the need, great measures are taken to protect the identities of those served by the Y. You won’t see a client’s photo on promotional materials or walking in a parade. But that doesn’t make clients any less real.

The Y’s funding needs are also real. From big-ticket items like helping secure safe housing, to smaller items like bus tokens so a woman can get to work, the Y’s costs are constant.

Like other non-profits, the recent economic downturn caused the Y’s funding to decrease. At the same time, the Y’s needs increased. To continue providing the quality of services the community relies on, we invite the public to attend the second annual Walk in Her Shoes event today in downtown Bremerton. Funds raised at the walk and auction gala will go directly to the ALIVE (Alternatives to Living in Violent Environments) programs.

Please join us for a fun evening while raising money to help change the lives of vulnerable community members. Register at:

Linda Joyce

Executive Director

YWCA Kitsap County

