Students establish pollinator corridor in Poulsbo

Through a collaboration between young students and local organizations, the Anchored 4 Life Club from Hilder Pearson Elementary School is leading a community-driven initiative to establish a pollinator corridor in Poulsbo.

Students in grades 3 through 5 who demonstrate a commitment to environmental stewardship and community service are involved, a North Kitsap School District news release states.

The A4LClub, a student leadership organization sponsored by the U.S. Navy and supported by Academic Advisors from Pearson, has teamed with Jeff Ozimek and Rachel Cornette of the Poulsbo Parks and Recreation Department, and members of the Poulsbo Rotary.

Their inaugural project involves installing mason bee houses and developing landscapes with flowering indigenous plants at the American Legion Park in Poulsbo, supplemented with informational plaques about the initiative. Recently, the club installed plants, bee houses, and mason bees at the park. Students tended to the soil, added compost and nutrients, selected native plants, and placed bee houses, tubes for nesting and mason bees, per the release.

Dave Hunter of Crown Bees in Woodinville, a Rotarian, veteran, and bee expert, has contributed materials and knowledge. In collaboration with Cornell University, Hunter has developed an educational curriculum to raise awareness about pollinators. Local vendors are also contributing.

“We are incredibly proud of our students for taking the initiative to lead such an impactful project,” Pearson principal Craig Frick said. “Their dedication to making a positive change in our community while learning about environmental conservation is truly inspiring.”

Students worked with Poulsbo Rotary members.

Students worked with Poulsbo Rotary members.