Shoppers to find luck with new consignment shop

KINGSTON — Since Stacy Patrick opened a consignment clothing store in the George’s Corner shopping complex in early July, she’s barely been able to keep up with the flood of clothing that has come through the door. But that hasn’t hindered the Lucky Star Consignment Clothing owner from continuing to follow her dream of running such a store.

KINGSTON — Since Stacy Patrick opened a consignment clothing store in the George’s Corner shopping complex in early July, she’s barely been able to keep up with the flood of clothing that has come through the door. But that hasn’t hindered the Lucky Star Consignment Clothing owner from continuing to follow her dream of running such a store.

The shop — which sells gently used items from little girls’ dress up clothes to men’s Hawaiian shirts and yet has a constantly changing inventory — is bursting with a variety of clothing. Even so, it is still neatly organized. Patrick decides clothing prices based on comparison shopping and the name brands, in addition to the wear and tear on the clothing.

Patrick emphasizes one perk of her store — clients who sell their clothes at Lucky Star can use their credit at the store or next door at Pine Cone Gifts, which Patrick and her husband Jason also own. It is also a consignment shop for local artists and is run the same way as Lucky Star.

“People have been really half and half,” she said about whether clients opt to use credits or just take a check from the sales. “People will want to trade or use it at Pine Cone Gifts.”

Popular items this summer included Hawaiian prints, straw hats and shell necklaces, but Patrick said she is now looking for fall clothing and is always searching for men’s clothing.

“I try to have a good variety of sizes for everybody,” she said.

Besides the clothing she accepts from clients, Patrick also incorporates textile items from Pine Cone Gifts, such as children’s robes made from terry cloth fabric and clothing that sports handpainted designs. The store does not accept houseware items, primarily because of lack of storage.

While Patrick has been working in retail for 18 years and has wanted to establish a clothing consignment shop for a long time, she took over Pine Cone Gifts last year to get more hands on experience in the consignment industry.

“It’s just second nature but it was my first business,” she said.

While she hinted the name “Lucky Star” did have something to do with the popular 1984 Madonna song, Patrick explained that she also just liked the phrase.

“It’s just fun,” she said. “It was hard to come up with a fun name for a consignment shop.”

Community support for the store has been strong so far, she said.

“The community, they are just so full of compliments,” she said. “They try to help us.”
