Safe routes still waiting on funding

SUQUAMISH — The Suquamish Citizens Advisory Committee tentatively continued planning the Safe Routes to School improvements to Suquamish Elementary and the surrounding areas while awaiting the final budget holding its $500,000 nest egg to be approved by Gov. Christine Gregoire.

SUQUAMISH — The Suquamish Citizens Advisory Committee tentatively continued planning the Safe Routes to School improvements to Suquamish Elementary and the surrounding areas while awaiting the final budget holding its $500,000 nest egg to be approved by Gov. Christine Gregoire.

The Thursday evening meeting covered a basic outline for general road improvements throughout the community, which would make the routes to and from school safer.

“I don’t want to jinx it,” said SCAC member Gail Petranek. “I know we’re very close, and I’m positive we’ll get it. We’re No. 17 on the list and (state officials) said we look fabulous for the funding.”

Kitsap County Public Works transportation planner Greg Cioc was on hand to answer questions and lay out timelines and other tentative plans for the area. He said there has been discussion of installing thermoplast letters and numbers into the roadway on Suquamish Way near the downtown area to reinforce the 20 mile per hour speed limit. Improvements will most likely begin after the 2008 construction season, probably getting underway in 2009, Cioc said, though those plans are still hazy.

The group has been discussing improvements to different roadways in the area since it was formed in June 2006 and is mainly hoping to either widen shoulders or put in sidewalks to improve the safety of pedestrians. The Safe Routes to School goes hand in hand with those plans, and the group is poised to move into action once the budget has been approved, Petranek said.
