The waters around Hansville were once teaming with salmon, enough to support five fishing resorts up until the early ‘60s. But last year, to preserve what salmon are still left, the salmon fishing season was only a few days long.
To help salmon recover, the 175-member Puget Sound Anglers, North Kitsap Chapter, who meet each month at the Driftwood Key Clubhouse, are hatching salmon eggs in local streams then sending them out to sea. It’s a great idea — let’s hope it works. Even if it doesn’t, we should all applaud their effort.
Thousands out to sea
Our Anglers call it “The Legacy Project,” hoping future generations will continue their work. They began making plans in 2017, partnering with the Port Gamble S’Klallam and Suquamish tribes, the Department of Natural Resources, and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, which supplies the eggs and expertise. They searched Hansville for interested property owners who have streams with access to salt water and able to host egg boxes, which carry the eggs until they hatch.
Chum salmon were chosen because they’re the most resilient species. Soon after hatching they head out to sea, returning to their natal waters about three years later to spawn and die.
Preparing a stream is not easy. PSA members must get permission from property owners, permits, and restore the stream to reestablish regular flow to salt water. The first site, Hawk’s Hole Creek, adjacent to the Shore Woods Clubhouse, has been filled with about 8,000 eggs and has had a 95 percent hatch rate. The odds are slim that all will swim home, but each year more will survive and return, until the population starts to recover.
There is now a second stream, Legacy Creek at Rose Point, south of Eglon Park, where egg boxes will be placed once it is restored.
PSA president Don White, and Nam Siu, WDFW habitat biologist for North Kitsap, will talk about the Project at our next Tuesday Talk, March 3, at 7 p.m., in the Greater Hansville Community Center.
Money to learn
Good news for North Kitsap students interested in an environmental science, horticulture, botany or related degrees: Hansville’s garden club is offering scholarships to high school seniors, college and continuing ed students. Find applications at or school advisors’ offices. The due date for applications is April 15.
The GHCC is awarding scholarships to college-bound high school seniors, college or continuing education students, and those in job training programs. All ages eligible, you must be a resident of the Greater Hansville area. For applications visit Application deadline is March 15.
Annette Wright was an editor and writer for women’s magazines in NYC for 25 years. You can contact her at