Port park design options will be discussed March 18

The Port of Kingston will host a public meeting March 18 to discuss the future of the property is was gifted near Washington Boulevard. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Kingston Cove Yacht Club, 25882 Washington Blvd.

KINGSTON — The Port of Kingston will host a public meeting March 18 to discuss the future of the property is was gifted near Washington Boulevard.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Kingston Cove Yacht Club, 25882 Washington Blvd.

There are two designs available, with a third on the way, according to the port’s website.

Design 1 and Design 2 are similar in nature, with open lawn space, a clock tower, and bus plaza. The designs include a covered picnic area, butterfly and bird garden, and viewing terrace. A community plaza near State Highway 104 is also in the plans.

The biggest difference look to be where the clock tower is placed, and the amount of open lawn would be available near the center of the park.

The .35-acre property was gifted to the port through the Kitsap Community Foundation on behalf of an anonymous donor. The requirement is the port use the property as a park.

The property is the site of the Kingston Inn, which burned down in 2005. It has been vacant since.

Residents unable to attend the meeting can send comments and suggestions to Port Manager David Malone, davidm@portofkingston.org.

