Port Orchard city council approves committee assignments

Councilmembers now have their tasks outlined for upcoming year

City councilmembers approved committee assignments for 2014 during the Jan. 28 meeting.

Councilmembers John Clauson, Rob Putaansuu and Jerry Childs will make up the Finance Committee, while Fred Chang is on the Hotel/Motel Tax Committee.

Councilwoman Cindy Lucarelli, Clauson and Putaansuu will comprise the Utilities and Sewer Advisory committees.

New councilwoman Bek Ashby was assigned to the Public Property and Economic Development/Tourism committees with Councilmember Jeff Cartwright and Chang.

The council also approved the purchase of a man-lift for its “super single” multi-purpose truck.

The city accepted a $66,120 bid from The Fab Shop for the fabricated extension.

Public Works Director Mark Dorsey said $70,000 was budgeted for the item within the approved 2014 Street Capital Outlay Fund.

“The multi-purpose truck hook-lift loader system allows for additional functions and added components consistent with the truck’s original body fabrication,” Dorsey reported.

The truck was purchased in 2012.

In other action, the council approved:

• Approved agreement with the University of Washington for the Master’s Program Project to help the city update its Comprehensive Plan. The city will play UW more than $17,000 and proved file and other studies to the students.

• Approved payment of $14,042 to LVG, LLC for DeKalb Street Pier Phase One Project change order to help close out the 2013 fiscal year. The total construction cost for the project was $503,584.

• Adopted revised Kitsap County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan with the city amendments. Police Chief Geoffrey Marti said Mike Gordon, interim director for the Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management revised the basic plan and associated city profiles. The plan was approved by FEMA in December.
