On the other hand | Letter

Central Kitsap School Board president Chris Stokke’s personal opinion expressing support for the opponent of Christy Cathcart requires a personal opinion response.

Central Kitsap School Board president Chris Stokke’s personal opinion expressing support for the opponent of Christy Cathcart requires a personal opinion response.

Mr. Stokke states conversations he’s had indicate people are wondering if Christy Cathcart’s opponent “would consistently defend administrative positions.” People are indeed wise to question if the opponent will simply rubber stamp the lack of open, honest dialogue they feel characterizes the current administration.

Suggesting that Christy Cathcart’s opponent will “ask the right questions, at the right time, and in the right manner,” is just what people are afraid of.  The back room, hidden agenda, do it my way or hit the highway, military hierarchical command structure attitude that many feel is how business is done in the CKSD is the reason Mr. Stokke has had the conversations.

Christy Cathcart will ask the right questions, at the right time, in the right manner.  It will happen in an atmosphere that promotes the openness and honesty the CK community desires and deserves.  She will ask in a way that respects the democratic process, the citizens she represents and she will ask in a time and manner that will hold the superintendent and other board members to a level of accountability they do not want.

What constitutes the right questions, time and manner to those who have something to hide, looks different to those who seek honesty and transparency.  Christy Cathcart will continue to advocate for the students, parents, CKSD staff and community.  They all deserve no less.

JD Sweet

