Now … just keep the ball rolling

An important shift in behavior patterns has occurred here in Bremerton.

An important shift in behavior patterns has occurred here in Bremerton.

A growing number of community members are actively targeting areas within their neighborhoods or the city that need attention and or solutions.  Groups of volunteers are organizing first around these collective ideas and then look to partner with the correct city department or leader to get the job done.

In just the past couple of weeks, several important volunteer efforts have made a huge impact on how our city looks.

First up was the retaining wall on Washington Avenue. The improvement completed at this location, helped compliment the nearby mural project completed in July by a Bremerton High School student.

A few days later, another group of volunteers picked up my husband’s full size truck and our well used utility trailer. After retrieving the correct type of traffic paint supplied by the Bremerton Public Works Department, a borrowed paint sprayer was used to paint curbing around two Bremerton schools.

Several members of this particular group were instrumental in the recently completed effort to have all of the Bremerton School Zone crosswalks improved with new thermal plastic applications.

These individuals are prepared to do, themselves, the work that is needed to improve the safety environment for local students.

Another on-going project using volunteer hours also made great strides this past weekend.

The Friends of Kiwanis Park held their monthly work party to pull weeds and clean up debris. Weed control for the first two years after a park has been replanted with new vegetation is critical and this group is making sure the good plants continue to mature without interference.

Coming soon is yet another volunteer project which will improve one of the most seen, unattractive and most complained about sections of the city.  That would be the Gateway.

The Gateway is the area where Highway 304 enters into Callow. Permission has been granted to a group of volunteers to work on cutting back, trimming and weeding the overgrown mediums that separate the lanes of travel. Traffic control will be coordinated with and supplied by the city so that volunteers can safely do the work that is needed.

If you are interested in assisting with the upcoming Gateway project please feel free to email me at

I will make sure your information is passed along to the coordinators of the project. More information will be coming soon about possible dates and times.

Change your behavior. Find a project. Find a passion. Find others to help you get out there and do something for Bremerton.

Keep the volunteer ball rolling.

