Now about that homework … Skyward lets parents track students’ progress

Parents are now one click away from tracking their child’s progress in school.

The North Kitsap School District’s participation in the Skyward program allows parents to view their secondary students’ progress online.

By entering a username and password, parents and students will have access to information for everything from grades to current assignments. Using a calendar, along with other organizational tools, parents can find out exactly what is expected of their students.

“There is so much flexibility to this program, we have just begun to touch the surface of what it can do,” said information system specialist Jennifer Menne.

More options in the program will become available, but to keep things under control they will be released as the year goes on, Menne said.

Other features of the program include viewing all student absences and tardies. A quick contact button will allow parents to email their student’s advisor.

“Parents will basically be able to view the teachers’ grade book anytime they want,” Menne said.

Along with student progress, parents will be able to pre-pay for school lunches.

Skyward was piloted last year and is still not available for families with students in the elementary level. The school administration is hoping to have the program available for all North Kitsap students within the next few weeks, Menne said.

With the continually changing expectations of graduating high school students, district director of communications Robyn Chastain said students will no longer be in the dark when it comes to what is expected of them to get a diploma.

“The expectations of Washington students always seems to be changing,” Chastain said. “Now students will be able to keep up with what is expected of them.”
