Make your voice heard Nov. 7

And so it will end. For a while at least. For many, next Tuesday will bring tears of joy. For others, cries of anguish, questions about where things went wrong and possibly even some finger pointing. While elections offer the public its most notable chance to speak up on how it wants to be represented and whether or not new initiatives will pass, practically everyone involved lets out a huge sigh of relief when all is said and done.

And so it will end. For a while at least. For many, next Tuesday will bring tears of joy. For others, cries of anguish, questions about where things went wrong and possibly even some finger pointing.

While elections offer the public its most notable chance to speak up on how it wants to be represented and whether or not new initiatives will pass, practically everyone involved lets out a huge sigh of relief when all is said and done.

Win or lose.

The politics leading up to an election is an exhaustive process. No matter which way our endorsements went, or whether we got sick and tired of seeing mud slung via mailers, TV commercials or the newspaper, we’d like to say thanks to everyone running for office. Thanks for giving voters a choice.

The limelight of politics can be harsh and stepping into it takes guts. There is no question about that, and whether a candidate is a shoe-in incumbent or throwing his or her hat in the ring for the first time, at this point in the game there’s really only one way to show our appreciation to them for all there hard work, dedication and sleepless nights — voting.

It is amazing that many who are eligible to do so won’t take the time or be willing to sacrifice the 39 cents required to partake in a duty they view as simply another right which can be waived as they see fit.

Typically, these are the same folks who complain endlessly that the government isn’t living up to their expectations. But not always, plenty of voters do it, too. The difference is that the latter group has truly earned the right to do so.

Love or hate the way this county, state and country is going? Cast your ballot to maintain the status quo or shake things up.

The candidates and initiative supporters have done their jobs — it is time for voters to show their gratitude by doing theirs.
