Local flooding in the words of preschoolers

Editor’s Note: The following are mini-stories on last month’s flooding as told by preschoolers in Heather Melendrez’s class at Martha & Mary Early Learning Center. Melendrez submitted the flood tales to the CK Reporter.

“It rained really hard. My mom saw a big giant puddle, like huge, like a mud ocean. We had to go to my papa’s house. I wanted my daddy, I worried because I thought we were going to fall into a big, huge sea. They also used bags by the icky, icky water, where it was falling off the sidewalks, the water. And that’s all, then we made it home.”

— Kendall, 5

“Traffic was bad. I got stuck at the emergency room. I had to get shots, one in each arm. I got four shots.”

— Audrey, 5

“Saw traffic was really, really bad and something else happened. There was a log, a really big log and we couldn’t get home.”

— Ella, 5

“I see a big, big, big water and that tree fall down. A car splashed water, it went spsh … (laugh, giggle) up in my ear.”

— Dylan, 4

“Just rain, a lot, a lot of rain. It was almost till I went to sleep. We stayed home, my mom did dishes, but dad was at work. I missed him.”

— Akilah, 4

“Water on the road and it was loud, and the water and that’s all I saw.”

— Kailey, 3

“I saw the water on the road, daddy showed me the river. Water up to the cars. I saw peoples pushing the car out of the water so they could drive up out of the water. And shovels.”

— Xander, 5

“Me and my brother looked out the window and there was water. Then we told my dad in bed. It was in the grass. Then my brother said “wow” and his friends came over. We stayed home.”

— Emily, 5

“It was snowing and raining, the snow was getting off the trees.”

— Jacklynn, 5