Levies are the start

Voters in both the Central Kitsap School District and the Bremerton School District have reaffirmed their support for our local public schools.

Voters in both the Central Kitsap School District and the Bremerton School District have reaffirmed their support for our local public schools.

In a mail-in election held Wednesday, a majority of voters approved the continuation of property tax levies that will help fund educational programs in these two districts.

Voting on Tuesday gave a 57 percent majority to the levy that passed in Central Kitsap.

In Bremerton, voters passed their levy by 61 percent.

As noted before the election, these levies were replacement levies that allow both districts to continue to collect tax dollars for programs such as honors and advance placement, music and extracurricular activities, transportation, safety and security.

In Bremerton, the amount brought in by the levy, and the levy equalization funds, is 24 percent of the district’s budget.

In the Central Kitsap School District, what the levy raises is about 20 percent of the district’s overall budget.

As educators in both districts said in columns they submitted for our readers, the levies allow the districts to provide a well-rounded, quality education for all students.

Funding education is no simple thing. It is a combination of federal, state and local funds that pay the bills for our local school districts.

There is always room for improvement in how we fund education. But the important thing is that we continue to fund public education.

For someone with a home valued like mine, the cost is about $1,080 annually to their local school district. For someone like myself, who doesn’t have children, it would be easy to say I shouldn’t have to pay.

But that’s not the way it works.

Making sure that we have every opportunity to raise a bright and talented “next generation” is a responsibility of all of ours.

And by supporting the recent school levies, as a community we have done that.

The message is clear. We value education, and we support our local schools.

Our support, however, shouldn’t stop with our financial contribution. Take part in your local public schools. Attend a board meeting and see how your investment is being spent.

Volunteer in a classroom. Read with a student or be a mentor to a young person interested in the same profession in which you work.

Attend a band concert or an athletic event. Because the future of our nation is in the hands of the young people who are being educated today.