Letters to the editor

Tibbs for commissioner

Tibbs for commissioner

To the Editor:

Vote for Chris Tibbs for County Commissioner.

His roots go back to birth in Kitsap. He’s been involved in learning the ropes of county government through past participation on the Budget Committee. He’s young enough to have the energy to shoulder the load in trying times and old enough to have experience.

His background is successfully working in the private sector in sales. He knows how to listen. He has worked into an ownership role showing executive abilities.

He’s made a commitment to serve out his term if elected. He isn’t an ideologue having once been a Democrat. He represents the silent majority, the Independents too.

Having lived in communities where there were long term periods of one party government, I feel strongly that one of the most potent checks on unbridled power is to have both parties represented on the Board of Commissioners. It reduces the tendency to “circle the wagons” at the expense of the people.

Boards and commissions reflect a broader view-point cross section, checking the tendency to establish a “Courthouse Club” of a select few with open-ended appointments. Vote for Chris Tibbs for County Commissioner.


Matt Ryan

