Letters to the Editor

We welcome letters to the editor. Please email lkelly@soundpublishing.com with your letter.

Right to life is a basic right

The day following our celebration of Dr. King’s intrepid stance for civil and human rights, hundreds of thousands citizens gathered for the 41st annual Right to Life memorial in state capitals including Olympia.

Just as Dr. King bravely marched, these faithful marched for the sanctity of human life and in principled opposition to the deadly 1973 Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade legalizing abortion.

An estimated 5,000-plus from across the state, including Kitsap County, marched and stood witness on the steps of our Capital Building and the Temple of Justice in solidarity with brave Washington legislators who affirmed their commitment to the unborn and to religious freedom.

Our Kitsap 23rd District Legislators (Rolfes/Appleton/Hansen), while within earshot of the Capitol-steps gathering, did not stand with us for Life and religious freedom. Watch “Kill Bill 2148” YouTube (http://youtu.be/DPQa2C3kVFk).

The tragic reality is 55,000,000 beating hearts were stopped in the 41 years since Roe v. Wade. The March for Life brings that daily battle to clear focus.

However, just last week the Washington Democrat-controlled House as a first-day business introduced House Bill 2148, the nation’s most radical abortion-insurance requirement.

Importantly, HB 2148 is a close cousin to the radical abortion-funding Senate bill co-sponsored by Senator Rolfes last session.

It will be vital for voters to track this HB 2148 and remind your 23rd Legislative delegation that our religious freedom is fatally compromised by mandatory abortion insurance.

The right to life is the most basic civil/human right Dr. King died for. We will not allow 2014 to be a radical new Democrat-sponsored jihad against unborn babies and religious freedom.

We need real private-sector jobs, jobs and more jobs, not mandatory abortion insurance for all.

James M. Olsen

Bainbridge Island



Democrats want more government

I am sick of having my hard-earned money taken from me by progressive liberal Democrats so they can create a huge entitled voter block for their election.

These progressive liberal Democrats call this “tax the rich and give to the poor” and they think this is progress.  I think it is theft via use of the vote.

I am a middle class voter and my standard of living has decreased with these huge taxes for the freeloading class.

In a study by Sara Binzer Hobol, University of Oxford, and Robert Klemmensen, University of Southern Denmark, it was shown that welfare spending has a significant impact on voter turnout.

More welfare leads to higher levels of voter participation. This increases partisanship with the voter having an increase in perceived benefits of “party differentials.”

That means voters who hate having their hard earned dollars being taxed will most likely vote for conservative Republicans. The freeloader, welfare class, will vote Democrat.

The War on Poverty was started by Democrat President Lyndon Johnson in 1965. Since it started, welfare programs have spent in excess of $17 trillion. Poverty is slightly higher today than in 1965. Middle class income is lower due to this transfer of wealth, i.e. Obama Care, to the freeloaders.

Government has grown huge and unfriendly to the freedoms of the working middle class. Welfare has turned the working class into the piggy banks and slaves of the non-working class.

The Republican Party was started to abolish slavery. I think it is time to stop these welfare/theft/slavery programs and thereby lessen the increasing partisanship and size of government. Vote for a conservative Republican and stop this welfare/theft/slavery the Democrats are in favor of.

Patrick Pettyjohn

Port Orchard

