Coup vs. coop | Extremely ridiculous | God bless the USA

Coup vs. coop

I am writing in regard to Kevan Moore’s article “Freeeee Bird,” which appeared in the May 25 edition. While I’m sure some would say the approval of backyard chickens and subsequent removal of the “sunset” clause is a great thing, I seriously doubt that it rose to level of a “coup.”I realize that folks these days are rather dependent on “spell check” tools to ensure that our written words are spelled correctly. The one thing a spell check will not do is inform you if you happen to use a correctly spelled, yet incorrectly applied word.What I really find hard to believe though is that not only did the writer not catch his, what to most is a rather obvious blunder, but neither did anyone else. I often wonder how many people proof read articles before they are published for all the world to see. Surely there are at least two or three even at a small paper such as yours.I know in the grand scheme of things this is a very small problem, but it just bothers me to no end to see such simple mistakes in print.I hope everyone who survives any type of chicken “coup” will be able to recover and figure out a way to keep the chickens from uprising again. I say cook ‘em all and have a feast!

-John White, Bremerton

Extremely ridiculous

I see that the extremists in the prosecutors office, led by anti-gun zealot and Kitsap County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Neil Wachter, are at it again. When are these people going to stop wasting tax payers’ money in a vendetta against the Kitsap Rifle and Revolver Club? The club has operated safely and in service to the community for more than 85 years, yet somehow this club is now a public nuisance?Lets get real folks. The last documented case of a stray bullet hitting a Central Kitsap home occurred while KRRC was closed down. Stray bullets are not from the gun club. If noise became an issue due to expanded use of the gun range in the 1990s as the county alleges, why did the prosecutors office wait until 2010 to file suit?This is nothing but a naked land grab. The county wanted gun club land as part of their heritage park, but they didn’t want to pay for lead clean up at the range. Their solution was to sell the land to KRRC, get indemnified against the clean up costs and then turn around and sue to force the closure of the club.To date, the county has spent over $150,000 on its lawsuit. That money is gone. Not even Neil Wachter’s friend, Pierce County Superior Court Judge Susan Serko, was willing to award that money back to the county.How much more tax money is going to be wasted on this?If public safety is the issue, couldn’t the money be better spent on more Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office deputies?

-Charles Ely, Bremerton


God bless the USA

As Memorial Day approached, I was reminded how very privileged I was to grow to adulthood with the “Greatest Generation.” My husband and brother-in-law both saw lots of action with the U.S. Navy in the South Pacific during the bitter fighting there. Like many others, their father served in World War I in France, as did mine. My dad was a farm boy here in Silverdale, drafted into the army, sent to Fort Lewis, handed a rifle and then sent to France. In his case, the Armistice was signed before he was sent to the front lines and he returned home. Perhaps growing up at the time I did, and living on Fifth Street, about four blocks from the State Street gate into the Naval Shipyard, gave me a deeper appreciation for those who serve their country. To those who were in the war and to others, who for religious convictions or health reasons couldn’t enter the service, but still proudly served this country in other ways, my thanks and may God bless them! And, may God bless and protect our young men and women who bravely serve in the military today, which includes my grandson who is in the Air Force.Most of us love and stand up for the USA and yes, it is an exceptional country and always has been.

-Norma L. Card, Bremerton