Letter to the editor

I have to defend the Independent after reading the June 29 letter to the editor. I know that all letters from the public are edited, so there naturally would be no “typos” there. I personally feel the POI makes very few mistakes in the rest of their printed editions.

I have to defend the Independent after reading the June 29 letter to the editor. I know that all letters from the public are edited, so there naturally would be no “typos” there. I personally feel the POI makes very few mistakes in the rest of their printed editions. It would be more appropriate to compare typos in the Kitsap Sun to make a point because their printed spelling ability relates closely to the spelling ability of students in the schools in Kitsap County and their failing spelling and English scores.

What is of more concern to me is the fact that the POI, in today’s letter — the subject here — posted the name, address, and phone number of the author of the letter. I don’t believe it is wrong to publish the name of a letter’s author. However, in today’s human way of thinking I believe the publishing of addresses and phone numbers needs to be stopped quickly. It is an invite for possible harassing calls, property damage and possible assaults by a person that takes offense to a published letter. Should there be no desire to change this habit by the POI then by all means save irate commenters some time and also post a map of the location.

Larry L. Mann

Port Orchard

