Kitsap gives update on EV, bicycle code project

During the Kitsap County Planning Commission meeting Oct. 4, the department of Community Development gave an update on the Bicycle Parking and Electric Vehicle Code project.

According to county documents, the project is intended to encourage healthy and resilient communities through an approach that:

  • Increases non-motorized and low/no emission transportation options;
  • reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps support Vision 2050, countywide planning policies and climate change resiliency assessment goals and outcomes;
  • improves public health outcomes via cleaner air and active transportation;
  • and implements the goals and policies of the county’s 2016 Comprehensive Plan.

There are currently 3,800 EV’s registered in Kitsap but the biggest barrier to more people converting to them is charging concerns. Guidance for bicycle parking and EV charging facilities for new construction and redevelopment for specific projects needs to be equal to or more than 50% of the assessed building value, documents state.

This applies in urban areas, rural commercial and industrial zones, and Limited Areas of More Intensive Rural Development -bicycle parking only. It also establishes minimum standards and encourages provision of additional facilities with incentives, along with establishing location, dimension, material, design, numeric and other standards.

New state building code for EV charging requirements takes effect July 1, 2023. The new requirements are more broadly applicable than what the initial scope planned for this project, per documents.

The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing Oct. 18 to accept public comments and make a recommendation. Then, DCD will present the final draft proposal to the County Commissioners, who will then hold a public hearing and make the final decision.

For details, visit