Kingston Revitalization Association disbands

After much deliberation, members of the Kingston Revitalization Association (KRA) have decided to disband the organization.

The KRA formed 12 years ago.

According to an April 19 letter from KRA Chair Karen Ross to Greater Kingston Area Chamber of Commerce President Pete DeBoer, the KRA will disband because of attrition, members being burn out, dwindling membership and the members’ belief the organization hasn’t been successful in its endeavors.

“When we first started there were no other groups doing what we had in mind,” Ross wrote. “There are now many other groups, 22 or more that I know of, that are competing for limited dollars, and because Kingston is a small town, with this many groups, there is a lot of overlap.”

The KRA volunteers will place and water the flowering baskets, and have funds to pay for the planting this year. However, the KRA does not intend to host any more fundraising events. The KRA will donate all the flower pots and any remaining funds to the chamber.

“It is certainly our hope that another group will take them over for next year, as they are an asset to downtown and would be missed by residents and visitors alike,” Ross wrote.
