KCAC workgroups look at sub-area plan

Public participation encouraged.

The Kingston Citizens’ Advisory Council invites the public to participate in workgroups to review aspects of the Kingston Sub-Area Plan and create a list of prioritized, actionable items for Kitsap County to follow through on with the support of the community. County commissioners have directed KCAC to take on the task of determining specific actions that need to happen to accomplish many of the goals of the sub-area plan, which was revised in 2006. The workgroups will discuss in detail guidelines and projected developments of the sub-area plan, a document created by the county with the help of community members that spells out policy elements for planning, population, transportation, land use, the environment and supporting facilities.

Monthly meetings of KCAC will feature presentations by the individual workgroups reviewing their findings for the council, which will then be complied and forwarded to county commissioners.

The dates workgroups will meet, slated topics of discussion for each, and scheduled presentations to KCAC are as follows:

The first workgroup met Feb. 13 to discuss “Kingston’s Community Vision,” including aspects of building a sense of community, enhancing Kingston’s visual identity and establishing land-use patterns to support the town’s community vision. Results of this workgroup will be presented at the KCAC meeting at 7 p.m. March 5 in the Kingston Community Center.

On March 11, 7-9 p.m. at the Kingston Community Center, a workgroup will discuss urban residential, commercial and industrial land use and natural systems. “Land Use in Kingston,” the results of this workgroup, will be presented at the KCAC meeting at 7 p.m. April 2 in the Kingston Community Center.

The final workgroup meets 7-9 p.m. April 9 at the Kingston Community Center, to discuss: ways to improve and encourage economic development opportunities and downtown revitalization; improving port facilities and waterfront; and transportation

“Kingston’s Economic Development,” the results of this workshop, will be presented at the KCAC meeting at 7 p.m. May 7 in the Kingston Community Center.

To participate in workgroups and for more information, contact KCAC co-chair Greg Platz at (360) 509-3181.
